GTP fosters a quality culture by instilling quality awareness and empowering the employees to act responsibly to meet the needs and expectations of all their partners. The personnel are invested with the knowledge, competencies, and tools to consistently comply with all requirements trusted upon us.
Quality & Certifications
Highest Quality. Certified.
With our certifications we underline the high-quality standards and our performance for our customers and partners. The quality management system is process oriented and built to the needs of our customers. It creates transparency and ensures continual improvement of all processes and procedures.
Certifications Towanda | Certifications Luxembourg | Certifications Jyväskylä (Tikomet) |
ISO 9001:2015 Certification | ISO9001 GTPLuxembourg | ISO 9001:2015 Certification |
ISO 17025:2017 | ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental |

At GTP the quality process starts when our raw material enters the plant. All our key raw materials undergo analysis to ensure that the material meets our requirements and does not contain any unexpected impurities that could adversely affect quality of the final product. This initial quality check, particularly within our tungsten raw materials, allows us to classify raw material and use certain lots for specific end products.

As our products move through our manufacturing processes they are tested for quality at every step. Throughout the production process, our employees halt and flag any batches that do not meet our standards.
When complete, our products go through a final quality check. Powders are analyzed for chemical composition and a sample of each lot is pressed and sintered to make sure that our customers will see the results they expect when they process our powders.

Finished parts and components undergo extensive quality testing including tolerance testing, ultrasonic testing, and others. We regularly conduct destructive testing on random samples of our products to check on the long-term durability of the materials we produce.
No material leaves our facility without undergoing a wide-ranging series of quality checks ensuring our products meet our customer’s specifications.
With five quality labs, extensive materials analysis capabilities and an ISO 9001 designation we have maintained for nearly 20 years, GTP’s commitment to quality is clear. Our commitment to continuous improvement can be further noted by our employee training program which now includes dozens of employees trained in six-sigma and the use of lean tools.
Furthermore, we continually optimize our internal processes in regards to our quality policy.
This policy forms the framework for defining and evaluating the quality objectives and management system. For additional information, please contact:
For additional information regarding our laboratory please contact:
Jeanne Reno
QHSE Manager
Mobile Phone: +1 570 262 5332
Janet Otis
Scientist / XRF-OES-GRAV-CEM-Environmental Laboratory Supervisor
Phone: +1 570 268 5536